Far Eastern Railway: the volume of cargo transportation on a specialized schedule has increased by more than 2 times The increase in demand for such a service, as noted in the press service of the Far Eastern Railway, increases significantly every month. So, for 8 months of 2015, the number of trains sent from the stations of the Far Eastern Railway according to a specialized schedule amounted to 2,100, of which 696 routes with coal, 1,367 container trains, 2 trains with perishable goods, 20 trains with petroleum products and 15 trains with empty wagons.
Compared to the same period in 2014, the volume of cargo transportation on a specialized schedule increased by more than 2 times. The quality of the service is maintained by the specialists of the involved directorates at a high level. Thus, the fulfillment of the train schedule for departure at the end of the half-year was 99%, on arrival - 97%.
At the same time, since 2013, when the first transportation was implemented as part of the provision of the service, its content has changed significantly. To date, a phased transition is underway from simpler projects, when the shipper presents a ready–made train formed on non-public tracks for transportation according to a schedule, to complex transport and logistics products with complex chains of interaction with the client and the departments involved in the provision of the service. Such projects include, for example, the transportation of petroleum products from the Khabarovsk–1 station to the Vanino station.
Due to the implementation of technology for the formation of technical routes on the public tracks of the Khabarovsk-1 station with their further departure according to a specialized schedule, it was possible to ensure guaranteed export of products of JSC "NOC-Khabarovsk Oil Refinery" during the reconstruction in the amount of 68 thousand tons of oil cargo. In addition, the service for the scheduled transportation of empty wagons is being developed. To date, according to a strict schedule, delivery of specialized platforms for the transportation of timber in the direction of Grodekovo – Novochuguevka (clients of Trans Forest LLC and TLC Siberia LLC) and tanks in the direction of Nakhodka – Dzemgi (client of PGK JSC) is carried out.
Transportation of empty wagons according to a specialized schedule makes it possible to provide key shippers of the road with rolling stock guaranteed and on time, the Far Eastern Railway Corporate Communications service reported.