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ECOLINE Company took part in the KazAgro/KazFarm exhibition "KazAgro/KazFarm" — events aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Kazakhstani agricultural producers by introducing modern technologies into production and promoting domestic goods and services to domestic and foreign markets.

Exhibitions provide a platform for the presentation of industry innovations, modern products, technologies and services in the agricultural sector, promote an intensive dialogue between producers and consumers of agriculture. The theme of the exhibitions covers all areas of agriculture. The business part of the exhibitions provided for a rich program from presentations to signing memoranda between domestic and foreign companies.

Thanks to this exhibition, Ecoline expanded its knowledge horizons in the field of grain transportation, increased the list of potential customers, exchanged views with existing contractors and information in the field of agriculture and the grain market in particular.

The exhibitions were held with official support:

•    Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan

• Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany (BMEL)

•    Akimat of Astana city

•    JSC "National Managing Holding "KAZAGRO"

• VDMA (Union of German Machine Builders)

On behalf of the company, the exhibition was visited by: Director of the Grain Cargo Transportation Department - Anton A. Mishin, Leading specialist of the grain cargo Transportation Department - Evgeny V. Shatov, PR Manager of the company - Nuria Nailevna Fatyhova