North Kazakhstan residents have completed grain harvesting So, according to the agricultural administration, as of November 1, grain threshing was carried out on 100% of the area in the region. With a yield of 17.6 c/ha, 5663.2 thousand tons of grain were obtained in the region.
Recall, last year's threshing of North Kazakhstan residents amounted to 5424.9 thousand tons. Recall, as previously reported by IA "Kazakh-Grain", in the structure of the sown areas of the region in 2016, the main share was occupied by grain and leguminous crops - 73.5% (3 million 217.7 thousand hectares), of which the largest share was wheat crops - 76.7% (2 million 468 thousand hectares).
Forage crops sowed 14% of the total sown area (612.4 thousand hectares), oilseeds - 11.7% (512.1 thousand hectares). Legume crops have increased significantly - 2.7 times (up to 90.2 thousand hectares), due to an increase in lentil crops by 2.6 times by 2015.
Oilseed crops increased by 9%. Agrarians of the Kyzylzhar district were among the first to complete the harvest in the North Kazakhstan region. Among the leaders in yield are Shagala Agro LLP, Abi Zher LLP, Zenchenko and K CT. In general, the volume of harvested grain per hectare ranges from 15 to 35 quintals.
The reason for the low yield in some farms were factors such as high humidity in the first half of summer, which brought with it the defeat of the fields with brown rust, as well as the clogging of the fields with weeds: not everyone was able to carry out timely treatment with herbicides, since their cost for the season increased by almost half.
At the same time, grain prices have not increased compared to last year. The average cost per ton of grain of the 4th class is 35 thousand tenge.