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In the 3rd quarter of 2016, the owners of the PS will be able to connect to the personal account for the services of the TOR In the 3rd quarter of 2016, it is planned to complete the testing of the functionality and connect the owners of the rolling stock to the personal account for the services of the current uncoupling repair.

This was announced during the round table "Information and telecommunication technologies as a tool of the transportation process on railway transport" by Vladislav Kustarev, Deputy Head of the Informatization Department of JSC "Russian Railways". 

According to him, a project has now been developed that allows the owner of the rolling stock to receive information online through his personal account about the write-off and receipt of funds to a single personal account for the services of current uncoupling repairs.

Along with this, as V. Kustarev said, this year the development of the electronic document management project with the owners of rolling stock (EDO SPS) continues in terms of the formation of electronic invoices in the form of TORG-12 and invoices, the connection of alternative electronic document management operators and new customers of JSC "Russian Railways" (owners of rolling stock).

Oksana Perepelitsa