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The speed of moving goods by rail has increased. The speed of cargo movement by rail has increased, Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin summed up the company's operational work for the first quarter of this year. More grain and industrial raw materials began to be transported by rail, although in general the volume of cargo transportation decreased slightly compared to 2014. But the speed of movement of goods has increased markedly.

So, for the period from January to March, 292 million tons of cargo were loaded, the tariff turnover increased by 0.2% compared to the same period last year, however, if we take into account the run of empty wagons, in general it decreased by the same two tenths of a percent.   Transportation of goods such as coal and industrial raw materials achieved significant growth by March 2015. Grain transportation increased the most — by 24.6%. The speed of movement of trains has also increased.

On average, a loaded train travels 669 km per day, which is 12.8% more than in March last year, and container trains — 935 km — that is, the speed increased by 3.7%. According to Vladimir Yakunin, the increase in these indicators has an effect in the form of an increase in volume indicators: cargo loading in containers amounted to 1.7 thousand wagons per day, which is 1.4% more than in 2014. 

It is worth recalling that on the eve of the enlarged board of the Ministry of Transport, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government  Arkady Dvorkovich said that he considers the dynamics of cargo transportation in the country to be positive — in general, despite unfavorable foreign policy and economic conditions, the transportation of goods across Russia increased by more than 3%.