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The owners of wagons are gradually getting rid of the old fleet, the reduction of the fleet of freight wagons on the Russian Railways network for six months of 2015 amounted to 2.3%, or 28.6 thousand units, according to the analytical department of NP "OZHDPS". According to the partnership, this indicates that the owners are gradually getting rid of the old fleet, without waiting for the prohibitive measures of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which proposes to increase the tariff by 1.5 times for the empty mileage of cars that have developed a standard service life.

It became possible to trace the dynamics of the fleet reduction thanks to the order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation dated March 13, 2014 "On Amendments to the Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation dated 12.04.2011 No. 263 "On Approval of Forms, Terms and Frequency of Disclosure of information by Natural Monopolies in the field of railway transportation", which obliged JSC "Russian Railways" to publish statistics on the number of cars of different types on road networks.

Analyzing the information published on the company's website, the Partnership noticed that the growth trend of the car fleet in 2015 was replaced by a trend of its decline. For example, in January 2015 there were 1,231.6 thousand freight cars on the network, then by June their total number had decreased to 1,203.0 thousand units. On average, 4-5 thousand cars were written off per month, and June was a record for the number of fleet reductions. In the first summer month, the operation of 9966 units of freight cars stopped. From this, the OZHDPS concludes that the existing state incentives to reduce the old flogging successfully fulfill their role and do not require tightening.

alexey lebedev