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The grain harvest will exceed 119 million tons in 2016, Putin said, "We have recently rejoiced for the villagers, rejoiced at the results of the harvest, said that this is a record for the last years — 117 million tons. We will have over 119 million tons, which is generally just an excellent indicator," Putin said.

"I want to thank the villagers for this work, for this result. And I want to note that there has certainly been nothing like this in the recent history of Russia. In Soviet times, in the territory where the RSFSR was formed, there were approximate indicators in the 70s, there was even a little more in the 73rd, 76th years, but we know that then, unfortunately, even with those harvests, food and feed were still not enough,"- the head of state added.

However, according to him, "today's adjustment and today's structural changes in the agricultural sector itself show that the result we have is simply unique and creates very good opportunities for further development of agriculture."